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Professionalism, Professional Memberships, & Certifications


Professionalism is an essential set of attitudes and behaviours expected of midwives throughout all stages of their careers, including their time as learners. As members of a self-regulating profession, midwives are entrusted to maintain professional accountability to themselves, clients in their care, colleagues, and their profession.

You can find more resources on Professionalism through the Faculty of Health Sciences ‘Professionalism in Clinically Based Education’ office here.

Professional Memberships

The program recommends that students enroll with the College of Midwives Subscriber Status and join the Association of Ontario Midwives as a student member.

Graduation from the Midwifery Education Program does not guarantee registration with the College of Midwives. All applicants to the College must meet additional registration requirements. New graduates are required to work in an established practice for their first year of registration.

Regulatory requirements are subject to change from time to time. The program will maintain a close working relationship with the regulatory body so that students obtain the required competencies and clinical experiences to be eligible for registration.

College of Midwives of Ontario logo

The College of Midwives regulates the practice of Midwifery under the Midwifery Act, 1991 and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. The College of Midwives has approved a set of core competencies for entry to practice which guides the Midwifery program’s curriculum. Regulations under the Ministry Act set out the following for registration:  attendance at a minimum of 60 births, of which the student must be involved as a primary caregiver for 40; 30 must include care throughout pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, a minimum of 10 in a home setting and a minimum of 10 in a hospital setting.

For more information, please visit:

Association of Ontario Midwives delivering what matters logo

The Association of Ontario Midwives is the professional body representing midwives and the practice of midwifery in the province of Ontario. The Association of Ontario Midwives advocates for the professional interests of midwives in the area of professional liability insurance and funding for midwifery services. They provide public education and promote midwifery as an integral part of the Ontario health care system.

For more information, please visit: