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e-Book Resources

From the E-Book Foundry

In 2013, the professors of McMaster University’s Midwifery Education Program turned the lack of reasonably priced quality educational resources for their students into an opportunity to produce better, cheaper educational materials. Four years later, the authors, illustrators and editors who populate McMaster’s e-Book Foundry have already created three e-books enhanced with multiple integrated features including interactive quizzes, didactic videos, and customized content.

We partner with professors to author our chapters, design the enhanced content in-house, and collaborate with students to evaluate the results. This enables us to produce high-quality, cost-effective, and engaging educational resources for midwifery students and professionals everywhere.

Information Box Group

Physical Assessment of the Well Woman and Child

The skills of physical assessment of the well woman and newborn are a core competency of the midwife. The first unit of this e-book focuses on the principles and techniques needed for physical assessment of the pregnancy client during a head-to-toe examination. The second unit focuses on the basic knowledge and skills needed to assess the newborn. Both units include quizzes, case studies, and videos demonstrating examination techniques.

Purchase your copy of Physical Assessment of the Well Woman and Newborn.

Pharmacology Revealed

Administering and monitoring drugs is a core competency of the midwife. This e-book provides a basic overview of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and then builds on this knowledge to discuss drug administration in a Canadian midwifery context. Specific chapters focus on topics such as antibiotics, vaccines, analgesics and anaesthetics, and toxicology. All eight units include quizzes, case studies, animations, and videos.

This book is currently out of stock.

Comprehensive Midwifery - Volume 1: Professional Roles

In ‘Professional Roles’ we detail midwifery’s influence on health policy and health system operation to improve quality of care, and midwifery’s role in health education, whether of future midwives or recipients of care. We also focus on the role of midwife scholars as prominent researchers who build the evidence for and deepen the understanding of the impact of midwives and midwifery care. These philosophic and ethical underpinnings of midwifery care are as essential as learning about physiologic processes. Additional features include quizzes, case studies, educational activity guides, and a glossary.

Purchase your copy of Comprehensive Midwifery – Professional Roles

Comprehensive Midwifery - Volume 2: Normal Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Newborn Care

This e-book outlines the best practices for care of low-risk clients and their newborns, from the first prenatal assessment to six-weeks postpartum. All content is based on the belief that pregnancy is a normal physiologic process, and each chapter provides evidence-based information to guide midwifery practice and clinical skills. Fundamental topics include: Anatomy and physiology, diagnosis and management, and decision-making. All four units include quizzes, case studies, clinical summaries, and clinical skills videos.

Purchase your copy of Comprehensive Midwifery – Normal Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Newborn Care

Comprehensive Midwifery - Volume 3: Management of Complications

The final book in this three-part series, details evidence-based best practices for midwifery clinical management when variations of normal and complications arise. The book addresses management of complications throughout the childbearing cycle including pregnancy, birth, postpartum and newborn care. Fundamental topics include the role of the midwife and principles of collaborative care. Case studies, quizzes, clinical summaries and skills videos are also included.

Purchase your copy of Comprehensive Midwifery Volume 3 – Management of Complications